Since its inception, CEPF has awarded grants to more than 4civil society organizations (CSOs)—from grassroots nonprofits and indigenous peoples organizations to universities and small businesses. Behind each of these CSOs are scores of dedicated individuals doing the on-the-ground work.
Three years later an extensive global review was undertaken, which introduced quantitative thresholds for the designation of biodiversity hotspots and resulted in the designation of 25. CEPF recently completed its first investment in the hotspot and is currently profiling for a second investment.
During the first investment, we awarded grants to civil society organizations in nine countries and territories. The protection and management of 462hectares within high priority Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) was strengthened.
Like our facebook page, CEPF East Melanesian Islands to keep up-to-date with news from the EMI hotspot. Threats in the region are becoming more severe, and CEPF has continued support in the region with a second investment. CEPF in the East Melanesian Islands Hotspot.
The Southwest Australia Biodiversity Hotspot occupies some 357square kilometers of the southwestern tip of the continent. Most rain falls during the winter months and the summers are characteristically dry.
Native plants are well adapted to the nutrient-poor soils, which also support large-scale crop operations and sheep grazing. Le hotspot de la biodiversité du Bassin Méditerranéen est le deuxième plus grand hotspot au monde et le plus grand des cinq régions au climat méditerranéen du monde. CEPF supports civil society-led conservation projects in developing and transitional countries and territories within Earth’s biodiversity hotspots.

The CEPF is designed to safeguard Earth’s biologically richest and most threatened regions, known as biodiversity hotspots. Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) Location: The Indo-Burma Hotspot, comprising all non-marine parts of Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailan and Viet Nam, plus parts of southern China.
A fundamental goal is to ensure civil society is engaged in biodiversity conservation. Integrate biodiversity conservation into local land-use and development planning. CEPF Guinean Forests of West Africa Hotspot Program. Environmental Conservation Organization.
Nonprofit Organization. CEPF Hotspot Madagascar Indian Ocean, Ambatobe, Antananarivo, Madagascar.
The Framework for Long-Term Visions CEPF ’s Donor Council has identified five key questions to help determine if a hotspot is ready to transition away from CE. CEPF works in developing and transitional countries and territories within Earth’s biodiversity hotspots.
BirdLife International. These hotspots hold especially high numbers of unique species and provide services that are vital to human wellbeing, such as clean air and water, flood and climate control, and soil regeneration, as well as foo medicines, and raw materials.
Focused investment: On the basis of an assessment of opportunities and threats, CEPF donor partners choose which biodiversity hotspots to invest in as funding becomes available. Participatory priority-setting: Grant making is guided by ecosystem profiles—analyses of the biodiversity and socio-economic conditions in each hotspot that are produced by, and in consultation with, local stakeholders.
CEPF provided funds to TSC and the San Juan–La Selva Council, a consortium of organizations including TSC, to take the necessary steps toward establishing the reserve. Those steps included a land tenure study, development of a management plan. All CEPF ecosystem profiles are built around the concept of conservation outcomes.
Conservation outcomes are the entire set of conservation targets in a hotspot that need to be achieved in order to prevent species extinctions and biodiversity loss at a global scale. CEPF supports the development of credible, effective and well-resourced civil societies that can help deliver conservation in the world’s biodiversity hotspots.
CEPF works to protect ecosystems and the species within them by awarding grants to local and international civil society organizations working in biodiversity hotspots around the world. Grant recipients include nonprofit organizations, indigenous peoples groups and small businesses, among others. Only hotspots that primarily include countries with developing or transitional economies are considered.
For each investment, CEPF prepares an extensive “ecosystem profile” to inform its conservation strategy in the respective hotspot. This document is developed in consultation with experts and local stakeholders and provides an overview of the political, socio-economic and environmental.
In the Guinean Forests Biodiversity Hotspot of West Africa, which extends from southern Guinea to northwestern Cameroon via the Gulf of Guinea islands, the CEPF strategy aims to provide technical and financial means to local, regional, national and international civil society organizations to establish cross-sectoral and cross-border long-term partnerships. CEPF wants these beneficiaries to demonstrate models that combine biodiversity conservation with sustainable socio-economic development.
Weaving the Resistance Network of the Cerrado and Pantanal Women National Report on the articulation between women dialoguing on gender, environmental conservation and ways of life. Iasmim Amiden, via ECOA.
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