A one sided fully coated folding board, Simcote offers good runnabilty and superior printability for Offset, Gravure and Flexo printing. Simcote delivers on feel, strength and appearance with a higher yield. A reduction in total weight means lower transport costs and less packaging waste. With its sensory and hygienic properties it is ideal for food and healthcare packaging.
Approved for direct food contact. Simcote is one of the original companies formed to exclusively epoxy-coat and fabricate reinforcing steel, or rebar. Simcote fabricates epoxy-coated reinforcing steel, including pre-cast applications requiring strict tolerances. When a consistent, durable finish is require our custom coating process will deliver performance, protection and high color retention.
Simcote Custom Coating in Ohio provides a wide range of epoxy and powder coating capabilities. Together with our customers we want to create more sustainable, safe and efficient packaging to provide better customer experiences. The pure fresh fibres we use are a renewable resource, traceable to origin in sustainably managed northern forests. SIMCOTE GC2) Carton double couchage au recto.
Ce carton est constitué de pâte mécánique blanchie pour la couche intermédiaire et de pâ te chimique blanchie pour le recto et le verso. Cette composition donne au carton une excellente rigidité, par rapport au faible grammage.

The mill has been able to produce board with significantly increased bulk without any compromises in surface quality or stiffness. Thesewere achieved from two different rebuilds supplied by Valmet. Cookies erleichtern die Bereitstellung unserer Dienste. Mit der Nutzung unserer Dienste erklären Sie sich damit einverstanden, dass wir Cookies verwenden.
Bulk box board for protective use: inexpensive one-sided print works, boxes, bag sealers, beer and cider keg collars, retail marketing. We can now fulfill more orders for Simcote, a pure and lightweight grade ideal for food packaging, as well as other end uses such as pharmaceuticals where safety is paramount.
M-real Simpele is already considered the most efficient cartonboard mill in Europe and Simcote the most efficient board grade as defined by its consistency and yield. Manufacturing-Machining, Steel Fabricators.
Travel Programs Conta. Simcote Упаковочный картон хромэрзац с двухслойным мелованным покрытием лицевой стороны и отбеленной целлюлозой на обороте. Применение: рекомендуется для изготовления упаковки для пищевых продуктов, лекарственных препаратов.
The EUR million invested at Simpele will increase production capacity by 80to 300tpa and sheeting capacity by 40to 230tpa. Packaging Insights is the go - to platform for all packaging related insights, news and developments.
We track the latest news, follow the key trends, report on innovations and offer expert analytical insights into a diverse range of categories. We provide a steady stream of daily news, in-depth reports, coverage of significant trade shows and interviews with key players in the industry. Производитель переименовывает картоны, подразделяя их на четыре категории – Natural, Classic, Pro, Prime – тем самым.
Metsä Board Äänekoski P. Board a produit sa première Déclaration de produit environnemental (EPD) sur le Simcote. SBS (Solid Bleached Sulfate) Carton composé de pâte vierge blanchie au sulfate. On s’en sert pour faire des produits haut de gamme comme les boîtes de produits cosmétiques ou pharmaceutiques. HIGHLIGHTS Coffee capsule: high energy efficiency filling.
Iggesund Paperboard strives to inspire next-century packaging with sustainable paperboard products, services and advice that enhance the value of world-class brands. BfR Recommendations on Food Contact Materials.
The inclusion of new substances as well as alignment with current regulations require that the recommendations are adjusted on a regular basis. The product enhancements improve the suitability of each cartonboard in the range for a particular packaging end-use such as foo beautycare, healthcare, or luxury packaging, and graphics applications.
L’attività operativa della divisione board dell’azienda consiste nella realizzazione di fogli di cartone e cartoncino in formati speciali, mediante il taglio da bobina e la consegna in tempi rapidi nei siti del cliente. Usos Principales: Alimentos, bebidas y cuidado de la salud.
It has a double blade coated top side and a hard sized printable reverse, suitable for multicolour printing.
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